*Corresponding author, †Equal contribution.
Setogawa S*, Okauchi T, Hu D, Wada Y, Hikishima K, Onoe H, Nishizawa K, Sakayori N, Miyawaki H, Kitanishi T, Mizuseki K, Cui Y, Kobayashi K*. Acquisition of auditory discrimination mediated by different processes through two distinct circuits linked to the lateral striatum. eLife (2024)
[Full text]Nakai S, Kitanishi T*, Mizuseki K*. Distinct manifold encoding of navigational information in the subiculum and hippocampus. Science Advances (2024) 10:eadi4471.
筆頭著者の中井槙也さんが時実利彦記念神経科学優秀博士研究賞と大阪公立大学医学部長賞 (奨励賞) を受賞しました。
[Full text]Mizuseki K*, Kitanishi T*. Oscillation-coordinated, noise-resistant information distribution via the subiculum. Current Opinions in Neurobiology (2022) 75:102556.
[Full text]Kitanishi T*, Tashiro M, Kitanishi N, Mizuseki K*. Intersectional, anterograde transsynaptic targeting of the neurons receiving monosynaptic inputs from two upstream regions. Communications Biology (2022) 5:149.
[Full text, Addgene]Umaba R†, Kitanishi T†,*, Mizuseki K*. Monosynaptic connection from the subiculum to medial mammillary nucleus neurons projecting to the anterior thalamus and Gudden’s ventral tegmental nucleus. Neuroscience Research (2021) 171:1-8.
海馬台→乳頭体→視床/VTg という経路が単シナプスで接続していることを明らかにしました。
[Full text]Kitanishi T*, Umaba R, Mizuseki K*. Robust information routing by dorsal subiculum neurons. Science Advances (2021) 7:eabf1913.
Rated as Very Good in Faculty Opinions.
[Full text, Press release, プレスリリース]Iwase M, Kitanishi T, Mizuseki K*. Cell type, sub-region, and layer-specific speed representation in the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit. Scientific Reports (2020) 10:1407.
Ranked in the top 100 most downloaded neuroscience papers.
[Full text]Ohara S, Gianatti M, Itou K, Berndtsson CH, Doan TP, Kitanishi T, Mizuseki K, Iijima T, Tsutsui KI, Witter MP*. Entorhinal layer II calbindin-expressing neurons originate widespread telencephalic and intrinsic projections. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (2019) 13:54.
[Full text]Yamazaki SJ, Ohara K, Ito K, Kokubun N, Kitanishi T, Takaichi D, Yamada Y, Ikejiri Y, Hiramatsu F, Fujita K, Tanimoto Y, Yamazoe-Umemoto A, Hashimoto K, Sato K, Yoda K, Takahashi A, Ishikawa Y, Kamikouchi A, Hiryu S, Maekawa T, Kimura KD*. STEFTR: a hybrid versatile method for state estimation and feature extraction from the trajectory of animal behavior. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2019) 13:626.
[Full text]Matsumoto N, Kitanishi T*, Mizuseki K. The subiculum: unique hippocampal hub and more. Neuroscience Research (2019) 143:1-12.
[Full text]Kitanishi T, Matsuo N*. Organization of the claustrum-to-entorhinal cortical connection in mice. Journal of Neuroscience (2017) 37:269-280.
[Full text]Kitanishi T, Ito HT, Hayashi Y, Shinohara Y, Mizuseki K*, Hikida T*. Network mechanisms of hippocampal laterality, place coding and goal-directed navigation. Journal of Physiological Sciences (2017) 67:247-258.
[Full text]Kitanishi T*, Ujita S, Fallahnezhad M, Kitanishi N, Ikegaya Y, Tashiro A*. Novelty-induced phase-locked firing to slow gamma oscillations in the hippocampus: requirement of synaptic plasticity. Neuron (2015) 86:1265-1276.
[Full text, 新着論文レビュー]Kitanishi T, Sakai J, Kojima S, Saitoh Y, Inokuchi K, Fukaya M, Watanabe M, Matsuki N, Yamada MK*. Activity-dependent localization in spines of the F-actin capping protein CapZ screened in a rat model of dementia. Genes to Cells (2010) 15:737-747.
アクチン結合タンパク質 CapZ が神経活動依存的にシナプスに集積することを明らかにしました。
[Full text]Kitanishi T, Ikegaya Y, Matsuki N*. Behaviorally evoked transient reorganization of hippocampal spines. European Journal of Neuroscience (2009) 30:560-566.
[Full text]Kitanishi T, Ikegaya Y, Matsuki N, Yamada MK*. Experience-dependent, rapid structural changes in hippocampal pyramidal cell spines. Cerebral Cortex (2009) 19:2572-2578.
Rated as Very Good in Faculty Opinions.
[Full text]Kuga N, Hirata T, Sakai I, Tanikawa Y, Chiou HY, Kitanishi T, Matsuki N, Ikegaya Y*. Rapid and local autoregulation of cerebrovascular blood flow: A deep-brain imaging study in the mouse. Journal of Physiology (2009) 587:745-752.
[Full text]Chen J†, Kitanishi T†, Ikeda T, Matsuki N, Yamada MK*. Contextual learning induces an increase in the number of hippocampal CA1 neurons expressing high levels of BDNF. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (2007) 88:409-415.
学習にともない、脳由来神経栄養因子 BDNF を発現する細胞が増加することを明らかにしました。
[Full text]
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[Link]北西卓磨、ノルウェー留学記 ―Norwegian University of Science and Technology、羊土社、実験医学 2012年2月号 Vol.30 No.3 pp.519-521.
生化学若い研究者の会 (北西卓磨他著)、石浦章一 (監修)、光るクラゲがノーベル賞をとった理由 ―蛍光タンパク質GFPの発見物語、日本評論社、2009年4月20日
Media coverage
#46 The Fos expression we saw that day
NeuroRadio (Podcast)、2022年10月07日
[Shownote]05 TakumaKitanishi - U Tokyo
学術変革領域研究「実世界の奥深い質感情報の分析と生成」SHITSUKAN RADIO、2022年9月28日
[Contents]#37 Robust routing to strong physiology + molecular research at KIS – Part 2
NeuroRadio (Podcast)、2022年05月25日
[Shownote]#36 Robust routing to strong physiology + molecular research at KIS – Part 1
NeuroRadio (Podcast)、2022年05月16日
医療ニュース (Web)、2021年03月15日「大阪市立大など、脳における空間認識情報の分配・伝達の仕組みを解明」
マイナビニュース (Web)、2021年03月12日「大阪市大、空間情報の海馬から下流の脳領域群へ分配・伝達の流れを解明」
日本経済新聞 (Web)、2021年03月11日「場所・道順など空間認識情報 脳内伝達の流れ解明 大阪市大」